ALL ARTIST APPLICATIONS HAVE BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED. You should have received an email with your approval notice or requests for updates to your artist application. Please make sure to watch your email carefully for all notices coming from ArtsGoggle management. Email notices are sent to the email that you used when establishing your Near Southside portal account - basically the email address that you use to log in. If you have not received a noticed, you can email to discuss.
IT IS CRITICAL THAT ALL ARTISTS READ ABOUT HOW BLOCK SELECTION WILL WORK. SEE THOSE INSTRUCTIONS FURTHER DOWN. Please study this information while you wait patiently for Block Selection to begin.
Before we explain the specific process of ArtsGoggle Block Selection, we want to remind you of where you are in the entire application and participation process.
Each block as one Block Sponsor guaranteed a premium 10'x20' endcap space. The other endcap of that block will be assigned to food or drink vendors, a promotional partner who does not receive sponsorship benefit but is guaranteed the endcap.
Block 1 – 8th Avenue to Hurley Avenue, Magnolia Avenue |
Block 2 – Hurley Avenue to 7th Avenue, Magnolia Avenue |
Block 3 – 7th Avenue to Fairmount Avenue, Magnolia Avenue |
Block 4 – Fairmount Avenue to 6th Avenue, Magnolia Avenue |
Block 5 – 6th Avenue to S. Lake Street, Magnolia Avenue |
Block 6 – S. Lake Street to 5th Avenue, Magnolia Avenue |
Block 7 – 5th Avenue to Henderson Street, Magnolia Avenue |
Block 8 – Henderson Street to S. Adams Ave., Magnolia Avenue - FOOD COURT |
Block 9 – Adams Street to Washington Avenue, Magnolia Avenue |
Block 10 – Washington Avenue to College Avenue, Magnolia Avenue |
Block 11 – College Avenue to Alston Avenue, Magnolia Avenue |
Block 12 - Alston Avenue to Lipscomb Street, Magnolia Avenue |
Block 13 – Lipscomb Street to Travis Avenue, Magnolia Avenue |
Block 14 – Travis Avenue to Hemphill Street, Magnolia Avenue |
Block 15 – Hemphill Street to Grainger Street, Magnolia Avenue |
Block 16 – Grainger Street to S. Jennings Avenue, Magnolia Avenue |
Block 17 – S. Jennings Avenue to May Street, Magnolia Avenue |
Block 18 – May Street to St. Louis Avenue, Magnolia Avenue – STAGE BLOCK & FOOD COURT |
Block 19 - St. Louis Avenue to Galveston Avenue, Magnolia Avenue - WILL NOT BE USED IN 2024 Block 20 – Galveston Avenue to Oak Grove Street, Magnolia Avenue - WILL NOT BE USED IN 2024 |
Block 21 –Oak Grove Street to S. Main Street, Magnolia Avenue - WILL NOT BE USED IN 2024 |
All the maps have south at the top of the page and north at the bottom of the page. This may feel odd to look at now but when you are driving you will be looking at the map in the very same direction you are pointed in your car. The example maps that we will share here explain how to arrive and what the street will look like to you AS YOU ARRIVE. The maps are facing the same direction (facing south) that your car will be facing (facing south) as you arrive. This is similar to the way that your Apple Map or Google Map will automatically orient itself as you drive, these maps are intentionally oriented to your driving view.
Because of the high volume of car traffic set up entails, we stagger the ARTIST ARRIVAL TIMES for each block into two arrival groups. Please understand that despite your arrival time or your arrival order SPONSOR AND FOOD TENTS have a guarantee to the endcaps they are promised and as they are shown on the map. That means that if a sponsor tent is a bit behind in setting up they will still have the ability to set up on the ends. Please refer to your maps accordingly.
WE DO NOT ASSIGN YOU TO AN EXACT TENT SPACE ON THE BLOCK, but instead will ask artists to set up by group, first-come, first-served SIDE BY SIDE as they arrive starting from the west end of the block and moving towards the east. (Look at the diagram above) Your block captain will be present to help you with this set up pattern.
You will set up first. It is CRITICAL that you set up the FRONT OF YOUR TENT IN THE CENTER OF THE EASTBOUND TRAVEL LANE which should be exactly 10 feet from the curb. It is most critical that the FIRST artist arriving set up in exactly this position so we will be placing a piece of tape on the street where the first artist should place the front of their tent.
Artists in Group B are to set up with their tent back facing Group A’s tent backs, leaving two feet between the backs of the tents for our electrical cords. This should leave exactly 10 feet of space between the Group B artists and the northern curb of Magnolia Avenue. It is critical that we leave this much space for artist cars to continue to unload and then later pack up after the event.
IF YOU REQUESTED TO SET UP BESIDE ANOTHER SPECIFIC ARTIST, and that artist has successfully reserved their space on your exact same block and same arrival group, it will be critical that you arrive at the same time, one car in front of the other, so that as you arrive to your block for set-up your are in order to set up side by side. We highly recommend that you make arrangements to first meet up at a rendezvous spot somewhere AWAY FROM MAGNOLIA so that you can follow each other to arrive at the festival site together. If you do not arrive together we cannot guarantee that your tents can be set up beside each other. We’ll do our best to make accommodations the day of but you’ll need to just “go with the flow” of set up please.
IF YOU ARE SHARING YOUR 10' x 10' TENT WITH ANOTHER ARTIST this same system will apply. You must arrive to your block check-in with your car and the car of the artist sharing with you together. If your sharing artist is riding with you in your car, great. That simplifies ensuring you are able to set-up together conveniently. If you have two cars, they must arrive together to the barricade, one in front of the other.
We have 900+ artists, 60 food vendors, 10 bands, 30 sponsors and 250 volunteers who will be participating in ArtsGoggle so it is CRITICAL that you follow careful instructions about HOW and WHERE to arrive and set up. Your block will have approximately 22 cars arriving in Group A and and 22 cars arriving in Group B, which means that traffic may back up momentarily. If it does, please be patient with our other ArtsGoggle artists as they work to quickly unload their car and move it to artist parking. DO NOT KEEP YOUR CAR ON THE STREET WHILE SETTING UP YOUR TENT.
ELECTRICITY: ArtsGoggle provides generators throughout the Magnolia Avenue OUTDOOR festival site for and will coordinate a power connection for each artist during set up. We are able to provide a sufficient amount of power for each artist to have LED booth lights (we strongly recommend using LED lights if possible) and to charge ONE small electronic device. Our power supply is not sufficient for items with motors, fans, or for booths needing a substantial amount of lighting that is not LED lighting. If you would like to discuss additional power accommodations, please make sure to detail this request on your application. Artists participating at ArtsGoggle at an indoor venue should discuss power arrangements directly with the venue. For outdoor artists, power will be provided along a 2' easement (empty space) that is left between the artist tents facing north and the artist tents facing south. All artists are required to bring their own booth lights, a 15' outdoor extension cord, a power strip, and any other items needed for use of power. We provide each artist one plug, the rest is on you.
This includes tents, tables, chairs, lights, hanging surfaces, etc. We do not provide tents, tables or chairs to artists. You will be responsible for bringing your own lighting, power strips and extension cords as well.
Each artist has been allotted 10'x10’ or 10’x20’ of space.
Please do not leave any space between your tent and your neighbors tent. It will cause unnecessary gaps in trying to provide power to all artists.
Please be thoughtful about your time management, as others around you will also need access to the street.
BRING YOUR OWN TENT Remember, we are providing the street closure, marketing, advertising, coordination and space….the rest is on you! Please make certain to bring your own tent, hanging structures, tables, chairs, signage and any additional display items needed. You are required to secure your tent from high winds with weights on the tent. Taylor’s equipment rentals on University Drive has concrete weights which you can rent or we have seen many other artists use homemade solutions such as water weights. REMEMBER, NO MATTER WHAT TIME YOU ARRIVE OR WHAT LOCATION YOU GET - SPONSOR TENTS AND FOOD VENDORS ARE ENTITLED TO THE ENDCAPS AS THEY ARE SHOWN IN YOUR MAP. Even if a sponsor arrives late, they will have the right to set up as it is shown in the attached map. Please be courteous and supportive of these sponsors, because w
This year we have two artist lounges that are also available to you. The lounges have been generously sponsored by Town Talk Foods, Simmons Bank, and Moncrief Cancer Institute UT Southwestern. Please help us thank them and our amazing hosts!·You will receive an official artist badge from your Block Captain after your booth set-up is complete. This badge will allow you access into the artist lounges.
BLOCK 13 Artist Lounge - Open 10:00am to 9:00pm at One Safe Place at 1100 Hemphill Street, Fort Worth, TX 76104
BLOCK 17 Artist lounge - Open 10:00am to 9:00pm at Moncrief Cancer Institute | UT Southwestern at 400 W. Magnolia Avenue, Fort Worth, TX 76104
The spaces have generously offered to give you a place to get out of the festival hubbub. The lounge will give you a place where you can use an indoor restroom, have a seat, bring your lunch or dinner in for a quick bite out of the sun. We will have a limited number of light snacks for you. Please, please I beg that you treat this place with respect, clean up after yourself, and make sure that only event partners are allowed in. No friends or family please unless they are registered artists and other event vendors, partners and sponsors.
See the block map above to better understand the lounge locations relative to the event map.
Indoor restrooms will be available at the Artist Lounges.
BLOCK 13 Artist Lounge - Open 10:00am to 9:00pm at One Safe Place at 1100 Hemphill Street, Fort Worth, TX 76104
BLOCK 17 Artist lounge - Open 10:00am to 9:00pm at Moncrief Cancer Institute | UT Southwestern at 400 W. Magnolia Avenue, Fort Worth, TX 76104
Outdoor portable event toilets will be located at the following areas:
See block map above for icons to understand restroom locations in relation to event map.
Block Selection is a new process being implemented for the 2024 ArtsGoggle.
For artists who have participated in previous years, this process will be unfamiliar to you – a new additional step required of all artists for ArtsGoggle participation. Please make sure you are familiar with this new system, because you will be responsible for making decisions and completing the Block Selection process yourself.
Well, the answer is simple. We’re letting you control your own destiny. In past years, Megan and Natalie have spent hours sorting artists block by block, balancing requests for space, block preference, shared tents, and the opportunity to be near other participating artists that are friends or family. Ensuring that each block is balanced for artist spacing while also meeting all of the artists personal requests and preferences is time consuming. And, admittedly, imperfect. Despite trying our best, it’s impossible to make everyone happy when all requests are made without all constraints considered. It has worked, but we are ready to improve the system.
THIS NEW SYSTEM ALLOWS YOU TO VIEW BLOCK AVAILABILITY and then make your block selection accordingly. Think of it as an inventory system where you control your own assignment. You will be able to view the available inventory for all blocks. As artists reserve their space on any given block, the inventory will drop accordingly. When any block’s inventory is full due to meeting the maximum number of requests allowed for that block, that block will show as unavailable/full.
THIS WILL SPEED UP THE PROCESS FOR BLOCK ASSIGNMENTS By allowing you to make a request for your block, this process invites all the artist to participate in the process – basically taking the work from two tired frazzled people and turning into one thousand people each doing their part. Cool right? The key is, if we’re offering some control to you in this process, we also need your commitment to acting responsibly. The first step, is understanding how the system will work.
All block selection will be conducted on first-come, first-served basis, subject to availability within any given block.
Each block has an approximate inventory of 40 total 10’x10’ spaces, split between two arrival groups. Tents line up in the center of Magnolia Avenue with half facing south and the other half placing the back of their tent against the back of Group A’s tents, facing north.
You are instead reserving a general space with a specific arrival time, ensuring you are on the side of the block that you wish. Artists on each block will still load in to their block on ArtsGoggle morning in the order that they arrive to the check-in point of their assigned block. The first artist to the street will be instructed to load all the way down to the furthest western space on their block within their arrival group. Then all other artists will stack in, in order of arrival, moving west to east, behind that first artist. Basically, set up in the order you arrive to your block. This new Block Selection system does not guarantee you a specific spot. It allows you to request your block and arrival group – based on availability – and then after our review, we will confirm that your request has been approved.
Remember, this inventory is changing in real time as other artists make their selections. However, the table will not automatically update on your page. Unfortunately we do not have the ability for the inventory to automatically update for your review. So if you open your block selection page, and then wait a long time before making decisions, it is really best to refresh first so that you have an accurate view of what is available.
Please note that the available inventory will display as you go to make your decision. This helps you in addition to the inventory table above.
Block confirmations will be sent after ALL artists have made their block selection requests. We must first confirm that all blocks are balanced, all artists have corrected selected the amount of space that was awarded to them, and that the general ArtsGoggle spacing plan works well. We expect almost all artists will receive a confirmation of the request they made, but we reserve the right to move you if needed. If we DO need to discuss a difference in your request vs. what we are able to offer you, we will contact you via email.
For real guys, we mean this sincerely. We will not be shuffling folks around. We cannot accommodate your request to change. Once you’ve made your selection your block is removed from inventory. Other artists lose the opportunity to pick that spot, and it would not be fair to be returning things to inventory willy-nilly. Pick carefully. Once you’ve made a selection, it is yours. End of story. Same goes for arrival group. You can’t change that either. If for any reason you accidentally select the wrong tent size…contact us. We can’t make you any promises. If you picked too much space, we’ll lower your space. If you accidentally picked too little space, no promises that we can expand your space. Your block might be sold out and if so…we’re stuck. So please, pay attention and get it right the first time.
Okay! YOU can make that possible for yourself. Here is how.
To be clear, we will not be curating individual blocks to ensure diversity of artistic medium. This has always been nearly impossible with over 1,000 participating artists anyways. And, truthfully, there is enough diversity within your own artistic approach to any given medium that that even if two jewelers are assigned to the same block it should be expected that your individual products still offer diversity. Is it possible that two clay artist making mugs are potentially side by side? Yes, of course. If that happens, act like colleagues and partners, don’t squabble over nearness. There is enough business for everyone to have a great day. This isn’t Art Basel, it’s ArtsGoggle – a community centered event where we ask you to act as a partner, friend, and professional.
Our team will review all requests to ensure they work with our plan. You can pretty much count on getting back you’ve selected. We think it will be very rare that we have to reject anyone’s request. We mostly just reserve the right to move you if we absolutely HAVE to for some highly technical reason that we will of course explain to you. Otherwise, we are going to be strongly motivated to just accept everyone’s as they are in the interest of time. After we review and determine that there is no weird reason to need to move you…
It may be a long process to get your confirmation. Don’t wait on that. Just start planning to participate. Remember, you’re waiting for us. We are waiting for over 1,000 partners. So…don’t wait on us. Just plan to participate...know that your block is still being confirmed...but your participation is guaranteed. The finer details are coming but the good news has already been delivered - you WILL be at ArtsGoggle. You ARE guaranteed a spot. We ARE counting on your participation. So, plan accordingly. Reference the full ArtsGoggle timeline above if you have any questions about the steps.